Christmas is All About Jesus


Sunday - 12 Noon

by: Adelle McKinney



You can still catch the reruns of our first Christmas Special on the on weekends.  This was our first attempt to do something like this and families loved it.

Our stars were:

Dr. Mike and Adelle McKinney

Drs. Terry and Barbara McCaffrey

Dr. Jackie Horsnby

Dr. Larry Montgomery

Brother Ron Matta

Brother Tim Banks 


Sis. Cindi Quarles

WATCH OUR NEW SPECIAL ON APRIL 7, GOOD Friday - How we met the master!  Coming soon - the PROMISECHANNEL to ROKU.

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You can still catch the reruns of our first Christmas Special on the on weekends.  This was our first attempt to do something like this and families loved it.

Our stars were:

Dr. Mike and Adelle McKinney

Drs. Terry and Barbara McCaffrey

Dr. Jackie Horsnby

Dr. Larry Montgomery

Brother Ron Matta

Brother Tim Banks 


Sis. Cindi Quarles

WATCH OUR NEW SPECIAL ON APRIL 7, GOOD Friday - How we met the master!  Coming soon - the PROMISECHANNEL to ROKU.

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